Beyond Thirty

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Beyond Thirty, by Edgar Rice Burroughs - click to see full size image

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Beyond Thirty (also known as The Lost Continent) is a short science fiction novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was written in 1915 and first published in All Around Magazine in February 1916, but did not appear in book form in Burroughs' lifetime. Two centuries have passed since World War I, and a secluded Pan-America flourishes while the eastern hemisphere succumbs to chaos. Lieutenant Jefferson Turck faces disaster aboard the Coldwater submarine, leading to an unexpected journey that exposes the ravaged remnants of Europe and a dominating Abyssinian Empire. Alongside Victory, daughter of the King of Britain, Turck navigates through perilous encounters, eventually finding solace in unexpected quarters with the advancing Chinese forces. Meanwhile, efforts to rescue Turck spark a chain of events that reopen diplomatic channels between Pan-America and the East, heralding newfound possibilities for trade and connection between the divided worlds. Turck, now a celebrated figure, aims to restore Victory to her rightful place as a British monarch.

This book has 38,025 words, 66 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1916.

Production notes: This ebook of Beyond Thirty was published by Global Grey on the 31st December 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'A Submarine on the Sea-bed' by William Lionel Wyllie.

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