Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1

Havelock Ellis

Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1, by Havelock Ellis - click to see full size image

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Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1, is the first of six volumes by English physician Havelock Ellis. First published in 1897, the book is part of a huge study on sexuality. Ellis was also a pioneer in the study of psychedelic drugs, introduced the concepts of narcissism and autoeroticism, and published works on transgender psychology. He was in favour of feminism as he saw that the improved choices given to women would benefit humans overall. This first volume includes; The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; and, Auto-Eroticism, a Study of the Spontaneous Manifestations of the Sexual Impulse.

№ 1 in the Studies in the Psychology of Sex series.

Part of Anne Haight's List of Banned Books.

This book has 136,549 words, 206 pages in the PDF version, and was published in 1897. This third edition was first published in 1927.

Production notes: This edition of Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 was published by Global Grey on the 12th July 2021. The artwork used for the cover is 'Nude Study of Thomas E. McKeller' by John Singer Sargent.

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