The Sacred Theory of the Earth

Thomas Burnet

The Sacred Theory of the Earth, by Thomas Burnet - click to see full size image

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Thomas Burnet was an English theologian and writer on cosmogony. The first part of this book was published in 1681 in Latin, and in 1684 in English translation; the second part appeared in 1689 (1690 in English). It is a speculative cosmogony, in which Burnet suggests a hollow earth with most of the water inside until Noah's Flood, at which time mountains and oceans appeared. He calculated the amount of water on Earth's surface, stating there was not enough to account for the Flood.

This book has 552 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1691.

Production notes: This ebook of The Sacred Theory of the Earth was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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