Legends and Romances of Spain

Lewis Spence

Legends and Romances of Spain, by Lewis Spence - click to see full size image

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Legends and Romances of Spain by Scottish folklorist Lewis Spence, was first published in 1920. The book explores the romantic and chivalric literature of Spain, as well as it's ballads. It contains thirteen sections including: The Source of Spanish Romance; The Cantares de Gesta and the Poema del Cid; Amadis de Gaul; The Sequels to Amadis de Gaul; The Palmerin Romances; Catalonian Romances; Roderic, Last of the Goths; Calaynos the Moor, Gayferos, and Count Alarcos; The Romanceros, or Ballads; Moorish Romances of Spain; Tales of Spanish Magic and Sorcery; and Humorous Romances of Spain.

This book has 114,542 words, 196 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1920.

Production notes: This ebook of Legends and Romances of Spain was published by Global Grey on the 28th January 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Washerwomen on the Manzanares River in Madrid' by Manuel Rodríguez de Guzmán.

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