Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century

James P. Boyd

Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century, by James P. Boyd - click to see full size image

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Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century is a book first published in 1901. Subtitled, The True Mirror of a Phenomenal Era, the book is 'a volume of original, entertaining and instructive historic and descriptive writings, showing the many and marvellous achievements which distinguish a hundred years of material, intellectual, social and moral progress embracing as subjects all those which best type the genius, spirit and energy of the age, and serve to bring into brightest relief the grand march of improvement in the various domains of human activity'. With entries by people from the world of science, agriculture, the military, architecture, literature, religion, banking, and more, this book contains a wealth of information on the progresses that were made in the nineteenth-century. Note: This is not an illustrated edition.

This book has 292,351 words, 453 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1901.

Production notes: This ebook of Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century was published by Global Grey on the 19th September 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'BBÖ Express Locomotive class 113' by Josef Danilowatz.

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