The Tower Treasure

Franklin W. Dixon

The Tower Treasure, by Franklin W. Dixon - click to see full size image

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The Tower Treasure is the first book in the Hardy boys series of novels, first published in 1927. This installment follows brothers Frank and Joe Hardy as they become embroiled in a series of mysterious events in their hometown. After narrowly avoiding an accident with a red-haired driver, they find themselves entangled in a robbery and the disappearance of a friend's car. Suspicions arise when a significant theft occurs at the Tower Mansion, implicating the caretaker, Henry Robinson. As the Hardys delve deeper into the case, they uncover clues that lead them to a notorious criminal known for his disguises. With determination and resourcefulness, they work to solve the mystery, ultimately leading to a surprising revelation and a resolution that restores justice.

№ 1 in the Hardy Boys series.

This book has 41,358 words, 91 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1927.

Production notes: This ebook of The Tower Treasure was published by Global Grey on the 24th March 2024. The artwork used for the cover is the original 1927 edition cover by Walter S. Rogers.

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