Tom Brown's Schooldays

Thomas Hughes

Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Thomas Hughes - click to see full size image

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Tom Brown's Schooldays is a novel by Thomas Hughes, first published in 1857. Set in an English public school in the 1830's, the book is the story of the title character, Tom Brown, an eleven year old boy who has had to move, mid-term, to a new school. A lot of the book is based on the experiences of the author, with Tom Brown being based on the author's brother. The book has been adapted several times for film and television, and also influenced the genre of novels about British schools, such as Billy Bunter, and St. Trinians.

This book has 175 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1857.

Production notes: This ebook of Tom Brown's Schooldays was published by Global Grey ebooks on the 3rd April 2021. The artwork used for the cover is 'A Meeting' by Marie Bashkirtseff.

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