Nuggets of the New Thought

William Walker Atkinson

Nuggets of the New Thought, by William Walker Atkinson - click to see full size image

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From the first chapter: '"I Can and I Will"—The recognition—Equal to any task—A feeling of calm confidence—An abiding sense of power, reserve force and security —The Something within—The triple key to the door of attainment—The vibrations of Success. "I Can and I Will!!!" Have you ever said these words to yourself with a firm conviction that you were speaking the truth—with the strong feeling that needed no other proof. If so, you then felt within you a thrill which seemed to cause every atom of your being to vibrate in harmony with some note in the grand scale of Life, sounded by the Real Self. '

This book has 112 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1902.

Production notes: This ebook of Nuggets of the New Thought was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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