Night and Day

Virginia Woolf

Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf - click to see full size image

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Night and Day is a novel by Virginia Woolf, first published in 1919. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Edwardian London, juxtaposing the everyday lives and romantic entanglements of Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. The novel delves into the intricate interplay between love, marriage, fulfillment, and achievement. Centering around four principal characters — Katharine Hilbery, Mary Datchet, Ralph Denham, and William Rodney — the narrative grapples with themes of women's suffrage and the compatibility of love and matrimony, questioning whether marriage is essential for happiness. Throughout the story, recurring motifs such as the stars and sky, the River Thames, and strolls permeate the text.

This book has 167,019 words, 277 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1919.

Production notes: This ebook of Night and Day was published by Global Grey in 2020, and updated on the 13th April 2024. The artwork used for the cover is 'Morning Star' by Eugen Bracht.

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