Feng Shui

Ernest J. Eitel

Feng Shui, by Ernest J. Eitel - click to see full size image

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Feng Shui, or, the Rudiments of Natural Science in China is a book by German missionary Ernest J. Eitel, first published in 1873. Although the author displays some disdain towards Chinese culture, he begrudgingly acknowledges that Feng Shui may hold a kernel of truth. Feng Shui encompasses more than merely positioning furniture for favorable fortune. Chinese geomancers espouse a complex set of beliefs that stem from Animism, Taoism, and Confucianism. According to Feng Shui, the earth possesses streams of energy, akin to the meridians found in acupuncture points on the human body. Additionally, Feng Shui takes into consideration the alignment of celestial bodies, including some enigmatic, imperceptible stars in the north that do not correspond to present-day constellations. Around the world, ancient monuments are renowned for being arranged according to comparable principles; for example, the Pyramids of the Giza plateau constitute a vast and highly precise map of Orion's Belt. The ley lines of the English countryside link significant sites spanning the entire island. Furthermore, some contend that the peculiar layout of the streets in Washington DC holds esoteric Masonic significance. Regardless of whether one believes in geomancy, evidence of its practice can be observed all around us.

This book has 19,959 words, 32 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1873.

Production notes: This ebook of Feng Shui was published by Global Grey on the 4th April 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'Print Collection 2' by Hasui Kawase.

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