The Book of Dreams and Ghosts

Andrew Lang

The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, by Andrew Lang - click to see full size image

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Andrew Lang explores famous stories of ghosts and the paranormal. From the Preface: 'The chief purpose of this book is, if fortune helps, to entertain people interested in the kind of narratives here collected. For the sake of orderly arrangement, the stories are classed in different grades, as they advance from the normal and familiar to the undeniably startling. At the same time an account of the current theories of Apparitions is offered, in language as free from technicalities as possible. According to modern opinion every “ghost” is a “hallucination,” a false perception, the perception of something which is not present.'

This book has 206 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1897.

Production notes: This ebook of The Book of Dreams and Ghosts was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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