
George William Gilmore

Animism, by George William Gilmore - click to see full size image

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Animism, or, Thought Currents of Primitive Peoples is a book by George William Gilmore, first published in 1919. Animism is the concept that the entire universe is alive, a belief that is central to Shamanistic spirituality. Chapters include; The Animistic Stage of Culture; The Discovery of the Soul; The Soul's Nature; The External or Separable Soul; Parity of Being; Belief in 'Free Spirits'; 'Free Spirits' - Their Constitution and Activities; Logical Consequences of Parity of Being; Death Not Always Regarded As Inevitable; The Continued Existence of the Soul; Modifications of the Idea of Continuance; Condition of the Discarnate Soul; The Home of the Soul; Descensus Averni; Worship; Residua of Animism; and, Literature to Which Reference is Made in This Volume.

This book has 39,026 words, 69 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1919.

Production notes: This ebook of Animism was published by Global Grey on the 2nd November 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'The Red Tree' by Piet Mondrian.

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