Zadig Or, The Book of Fate by Voltaire

Zadig Or, The Book of Fate, by Voltaire - click to see full size image


Zadig, or The Book of Fate is a work of philosophical fiction written by philosopher Voltaire, first published in 1747. It is the story of Zadig, a Zoroastrian philosopher in ancient Babylonia, and the journeys and adventures that destiny takes him on. Throughout his journey, he again and again rises to great heights, only to fall to great lows. After falling in love with Queen Astarte, he has to flee his home country. From there, he goes to Egypt, becomes a slave, heads back to Babylonia but is captured by Arabs. He then meets a hermit who tells him that nothing happens by chance. Eventually Zadig finds himself back to where he started, but in very different circumstances.

This translation by John Brindley was published in 1749.

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