Wives and Daughters

Elizabeth Gaskell

Wives and Daughters, by Elizabeth Gaskell - click to see full size image

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Set in English society before the 1832 Reform Bill, Wives and Daughters centres on the story of youthful Molly Gibson, brought up from childhood by her father. When he remarries, a new step-sister enters Molly's quiet life – loveable, but worldly and troubling, Cynthia. The narrative traces the development of the two girls into womanhood within the gossiping and watchful society of Hollingford.
When Elizabeth Gaskell died suddenly in 1865, the novel was not quite complete, and after chapter 60, there is a 'Concluding Remark' section by the editor of the Cornhill Magazine, in which the novel was serialised.

This book has 700 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published 1864-1866.

Production notes: This ebook of Wives and Daughters was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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