With Americans of Past and Present Days

J. J. Jusserand

With Americans of Past and Present Days, by J. J. Jusserand - click to see full size image

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With Americans of Past and Present Days is a book by Jean Jules Jusserand, first published in 1916. The book won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1917. The author was a French diplomat, and was the French Ambassador to the United States at the time this book was written. In fact, he played a key role in campaigning for the United States to enter World War I. The book is a collection of five essays and two speeches, all dealing with the relations between France and the United States. The first essay 'Rochambeau and the French in America' - lays out the relationship between General Rochambeau and George Washington during the American Revolution. The second essay is 'Major L'Enfant and the Federal City' which covers the creation of Washington D.C. The third essay is 'Washington and the French', and this one covers how Washington's perception of the French changed from one of suspicion to respect. The fourth essay - 'Abraham Lincoln' discusses how the French viewed the sixteenth President. The fifth one - 'The Franklin Medal' talks about a commemorative medal that was minted as a gift to the French.

The 1917 History winner in the Pulitzer Prize list.

This book has 76,949 words, 116 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1916.

Production notes: This ebook of With Americans of Past and Present Days was published by Global Grey on the 2nd January 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Statesmen of World War I' by James Guthrie.

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