Raymond; or, Life and Death

Oliver Lodge

Raymond; or, Life and Death, by Oliver Lodge - click to see full size image

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Raymond; or, Life and Death is a 1916 book written by Sir Oliver Lodge after the death of his son, Raymond, during World War I. The book details his attempts, along with his wife, to contact his son via a medium. Lodge was convinced that his son had actually communicated with him from the after life. A lot of Lodge's contempories, such as Edward Clodd and Paul Carus, expressed a sense of disappointment that a scientist had written such a book. Lodge did later admit that a lot of what the medium picked up was nonsense. In addition to being a book about seances, the first part also contains letters to and from Raymond Lodge during his time in the War.

This book has 398 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1916.

Production notes: This ebook of Raymond; or, Life and Death was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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