Mysteries of Genesis

Charles Fillmore

Mysteries of Genesis, by Charles Fillmore - click to see full size image

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The Book of Genesis is the key to the Bible. In the New Testament it is quoted twenty-seven times literally and thirty-eight times substantially. It tells in a very few words how God first imaged man and the universe and then turned the development over to Jehovah, who has been in a process of manifestation for ages and aeons. The "Five Books of Moses," of which Genesis is the first, have always been credited to Moses, but that he was the author seems doubtful in the face of the many stories of creation found in the legends and hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, and other nations that are almost identical with those of Genesis. It would thus seem that Moses edited the legends of the ages and compiled them into an allegorical history of creation.

This book has 315 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1936.

Production notes: This ebook of Mysteries of Genesis was published by Global Grey in 2018.

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