A Journey to the Earth's Interior

Marshall B. Gardner

A Journey to the Earth's Interior, by Marshall B. Gardner - click to see full size image

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A Journey to the Earth's Interior is a book by Marshall B. Gardner, a hollow-earth proponent, first published in 1920. It attempts to come up with a scientific hypothesis to explain the formation of hollow planets. Chapters include: The Nebula And Its Evolution; Mars; Early Polar Exploration; Further Arctic Exploration; Greely's Explorations; Nordenskiold's Voyages; With Nansen In The North; Was The North Pole Discovered?; Two Congressional Opinions On Peary And Cook; The Mammoth; The Life Of The Arctic; Other Interesting Animals Of The Interior; The Aurora; The Eskimo; Evidence In The Antarctic; The Journey To The Earth's Interior; The Formation Of The Earth; How Our Theory Differs From That Of Symmes; The Moon And Our Theory; A Note On Gravitation; How Our Theory Has Been Received; Our Controversy With Dominian; and, Our Country And Our Theory.

This book has 104,560 words, 173 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1920.

Production notes: This ebook of A Journey to the Earth's Interior was published by Global Grey on the 5th March 2019, and updated on the 7th June 2023. The artwork used for the cover is 'The Sea of Ice' by Caspar David Friedrich.

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