Island Nights' Entertainments

Robert Louis Stevenson

Island Nights' Entertainments, by Robert Louis Stevenson - click to see full size image

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Island Nights' Entertainments is a book by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson. It was first published in 1893, one year before the author's death, and is a collection of three short stories; The Beach of Falesá, The Bottle Imp, and, The Isle of Voices. The Beach of Falesá is about John Wiltshire, a trader on a fictional South Sea island, who comes across a rival trader who is believed to have demonic powers by the villagers there. The Bottle Imp tells the story of Keawe, a poor Hawaiian who buys a bottle with an imp inside, believing it will grant his every desire. The Isle of Voices similarly concerns a tale of magic, with the story of Keola who lives with his wife and father-in-law, a sorcerer who always has money despite never working.

This book has 49,132 words, 72 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1893.

Production notes: This ebook of Island Nights' Entertainments was published by Global Grey on the 20th February 2021, and updated on the 14th April 2022. The artwork used for the cover is 'Coming Storm' by George Bellows.

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