A Floating City and The Blockade Runners

Jules Verne

A Floating City and The Blockade Runners, by Jules Verne - click to see full size image

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This is the 8th book in the Extraordinary Voyages Series. A Floating City is an adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne first published in 1871. It tells of a woman who, on board the ship Great Eastern with her abusive husband, finds that the man she loves is also on board. Also includes the short story, The Blockade Runners: During the American Civil War, with the southern harbours effectively sealed by the North, Scottish industrialist James Playfair must run a daring Federalist blockade of a Charleston harbour in an effort to trade supplies for cotton and to rescue a young girl’s father, held prisoner by the Confederates.

№ 8 in the Extraordinary Voyages series.

This book has 194 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1871.

Production notes: This ebook of A Floating City and The Blockade Runners was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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