Demonology And Devil-Lore, Volume 1

Moncure Daniel Conway

Demonology And Devil-Lore, Volume 1, by Moncure Daniel Conway - click to see full size image

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This is the first Volume of Demonology And Devil-Lore by Moncure Daniel Conway. Fully illustrated, this volume is a treasure trove of demon and devil mythology, with subjects such as: Origin of Deism; Illustrations from Witchcraft; The knowledge of good and evil; Distinction between Demon and Devil; Deities demonised by conquest; Why Demons were painted ugly; Theological Demons; Ráhu the Hindu sun-devourer; Sheitan as moon-devourer; Demons’ fear of water; Descent of Ishtar into Hades; Survivals of the Frost Giant in Slavonic and other countries; The Northern abode of Demons; Animal demons distinguished; and many more.

This book has 362 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1879.

Production notes: This ebook of Demonology And Devil-Lore, Volume 1 was published by Global Grey in 2020.

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