Captain Blood

Rafael Sabatini

Captain Blood, by Rafael Sabatini - click to see full size image

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Dr Peter Blood is an Irish doctor, who has had experience of being both a sailor and a soldier. While minding his own business, he gets caught up in the Monmouth rebellion, is arrested by Judge Jeffreys (an actual historical figure) and along with the rebels, is sent off to be sold into slavery. Initially working in the sugar plantations, he gets put to use as a doctor once his owner, Colonel Bishop, realises what he can do. After falling for Bishop's niece, Arabella, Blood and some other slaves capture a Spanish ship that has attacked the town, and become successful pirates.

This book has 336 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1922.

Production notes: This ebook of Captain Blood was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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