Barrack-Room Ballads

Rudyard Kipling

Barrack-Room Ballads, by Rudyard Kipling - click to see full size image

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Barrack-Room Ballads by Rudyard Kipling, is a set of songs and poems, first published in 1892. The collection includes some of Kipling's best known work such as Gunga Din (written from the point of view of a British soldier in India), Mandalay (set in colonial Burma), Tommy (written from the view point of a British soldier), and Danny Deever (describes the execution of a British soldier in India for murder). Other poems in Barrack-Room Ballads are: Fuzzy-Wuzzy; Soldier, Soldier; Screw-Guns; Cells; Oonts; Loot; 'Snarleyow'; The Widow at Windsor; Belts; The Young British Soldier; Troopin'; The Widow's Party; Ford o' Kabul River; Gentlemen-Rankers; Route Marchin'; Shillin' a Day; 'Bobs'; 'Back to the Army Again'; 'Birds of Prey' March; 'Soldier an' Salor Too'; Sappers; That Day; 'The Men that fought at Minden'; Cholera Camp; The Ladies; Bill 'Awkins; The Mother-Lodge; 'Follow Me 'Ome'; The Sergeant's Weddin'; The Jacket; The 'Eathen; 'Mary, Pity Women!'; and, For to Admire.

This book has 15,932 words, 86 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1892.

Production notes: This ebook of Barrack-Room Ballads was published by Global Grey on the 5th May 2021. The artwork used for the cover is 'An Artist's Home on the Somme' by William Thurston Topham.

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