Lectures on Evolution

Thomas Henry Huxley

Lectures on Evolution, by Thomas Henry Huxley - click to see full size image

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Illustrated. This book is comprised of three lectures that Thomas Henry Huxley gave. 'We live in and form part of a system of things of immense diversity and perplexity, which we call Nature; and it is a matter of the deepest interest to all of us that we should form just conceptions of the constitution of that system and of its past history. With relation to this universe, man is, in extent, little more than a mathematical point; in duration but a fleeting shadow; he is a mere reed shaken in the winds of force. But as Pascal long ago remarked, although a mere reed, he is a thinking reed; and in virtue of that wonderful capacity of thought, he has the power of framing for himself a symbolic conception of the universe, which, although doubtless highly imperfect and inadequate as a picture of the great whole, is yet sufficient to serve him as a chart for the guidance of his practical affairs.'

This book has 58 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1876.

Production notes: This ebook of Lectures on Evolution was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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