The Grateful Dead, The History of a Folk Story

Gordon Hall Gerould

The Grateful Dead, The History of a Folk Story, by Gordon Hall Gerould - click to see full size image

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In this classic study, originally published in 1908, Gordon Hall Gerould explores a body of literature devoted to the ghosts of the departed who showed gratitude to those who took care of their bodies and assisted in getting rid of demons. Typically, the grateful dead stories concern a young hero who takes on the responsibility of seeing that an unburied corpse receives a proper burial. A stranger who offers to accompany and assist him turns out to be the ghost of the dead man, repaying the hero for his good deed. Gerould surveys more than a hundred grateful dead stories, tracing their lineages, describing their common traits, and unraveling their variations.

This book has 149 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1908.

Production notes: This ebook of The Grateful Dead, The History of a Folk Story was published by Global Grey in 2019.

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