The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

William Walker Atkinson

The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism, by William Walker Atkinson - click to see full size image

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The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism is a book by William Walker Atkinson, writing under the name of Theron Q. Dumont. It was first published in 1913. The book contains information on how people can use their mental abilities to develop a powerful personality and influence others. Chapters include: Personal Magnetism; Mental and Physical Poles; The Mental Phase; The Physical Phase; Physical Magnetism; Generating Nerve-Force; Distributing Nerve-Force; Nerve-Force Exercises; Projecting Nerve-Force; Mental Radiation; Mental Attitudes; The Mental Atmosphere; Magnetic Currents; The Direct Flash; Exercises in the Direct Flash; The Positive Aura; The Direct Command; The Magnetic Duel; Corporeal Magnetism; and, Magnetic Self-Defense.

This book has 35,810 words, 64 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1913.

Production notes: This ebook of The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism was published by Global Grey on the 5th November 2021. The artwork used for the cover is 'Yellow-Red-Blue' by Wassily Kandinsky.

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